(adopted 9/25/00)




Students understand the operations and function of technology systems and are proficient in the use of technology.





READINESS (Kindergarten)


Students know and are able to do the following:


1T-R1. Communicate about basic technology components using developmentally


appropriate and accurate terminology


PO 1. Use basic vocabulary related to the use of technology (e.g., mouse, keyboard,


monitor, toolbar, menu, window, folder, icon, spreadsheet, word processor, cassette


player, CD player versus DVD versus video tape, video camera)1


PO 2. Identify the components of a computer (e.g., mouse, keyboard, monitor, CPU, printer)


1T-R2. Use input devices and output devices successfully to operate computers, VCRs,


audiotapes, and other technologies


See: Workplace Skills (7WP-R1)2


PO 1. Demonstrate start up and shut down procedures of basic technology components


(e.g., computers, tape recorders, cassette players, VCRs)


PO 2. Use devices to complete a task (e.g., mouse, keyboard, printer, remote control,




1Items following “e.g.,” are provided as examples/suggestions and, therefore, are not all-inclusive.


2 The use of cross-references to the other Arizona Academic Standards is intended to emphasize that technology is


seen as an integrated component of the educational and learning process. Teachers may find additional


opportunities for integrating the Technology Standards with other academic standards.



FOUNDATIONS (Grades 1-3)


Students know and are able to do all of the above and the following:


1T-F1. Communicate about internal technology operations using developmentally


appropriate and accurate terminology


See: Language Arts (VP-F), Science (1SC-F4, PO1-2) and Workplace Skills (1WP-F5)


PO 1. Apply basic vocabulary related to the internal operations of the technology (e.g.,

 Jigsaw puzzles  Creating Word documents  Using Paint

All students are required to know basic terminology. Third grade must pass a detailed test with many computer parts and accessories.

disks, drives, RAM, ROM, CD-ROM port, CD-ROM and DVD)


1T-F2. Demonstrate functional operation of technology components


See: Comprehensive Health {Physical Activities} (1PA-F1) and Workplace Skills




PO 1. Demonstrate correct ergonomic use of technology (e.g., correct posture, position of

All assignments

hands and feet, proper height of keyboard, proper lifting and moving of equipment)


PO 2. Use multimedia resources (e.g., interactive books, educational software, elementary

Starfall, The Literacy Center

multimedia encyclopedias)


PO 3. Access information sources (e.g., CD-ROMs, encyclopedias, pre-bookmarked Internet

Jigsaw Puzzles, Starfall, Technology Homepage, Iditarod Project, finding images for PowerPoint Word Documents



PO 4. Communicate electronically, under teacher supervision (e.g., video, audio, e-mail)

 PowerPoint narration and PowerPoint programs

(For Internet safety protocols see Technology 2T-F2, PO1)


1T-F3. Use developmentally appropriate technology resources to access information


and communicate electronically


See: Language Arts (VP-F), Mathematics (1M-F7) and Workplace Skills (7WP-F1)


PO 1. Operate keyboard and other common input and output devices (including adaptive

All assignments - special needs has a specific keyboard they use.

devices for special needs when necessary)


a) Use device in response to software (e.g., point and click, arrow and

All assignments

enter/return keys)


b) Use keyboard effectively (e.g., knows locations and function of keys, begins

All assignments - logging on, logging off, using programs, etc. First and second grade must pass a simple test identifying: escapre, space bar, control key, shift key, Alt key, backspace, arrow keys and use of the numeric keypad, including the num lock button.

touch-typing strategies by grade three)


PO 2. Retrieve and save information (e.g., text documents, digital photos, music, video)

All assignments that are opened, saved, modified and re-saved.

PO 3. Print documents, text or image




ESSENTIALS (Grades 4-8)


Students know and are able to do all of the above and the following:


1T-E1. Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and


accurate terminology


See: Language Arts (VP-E)


PO 1. Use basic vocabulary related to technology (e.g., FireWire, USB, parallel, serial, scanning, digitizing, OCR) etc.

 Spreadsheets   PowerPoint The Car Project



PO 2. Use basic vocabulary related to systems (e.g., network, infrastructure, Internet,


Intranet, LAN, WAN, Ethernet, firewall, server, TCP-IP)


1T-E2. Demonstrate increasingly sophisticated operation of technology components

 PowerPoint  Typing Pal The Car Project

See: Arts {Music} (1AM-E9-10), Mathematics (1M-E6, 2M-E1), Science (1SC-E2)


and Workplace Skills (7WP-E1)


PO 1. Use touch-typing strategies to reach a minimum of 25 words per minute with accuracy


(e.g., meets school-identified standard for accuracy)


PO 2. Retrieve and save information remotely (e.g., network servers, Internet, Intranet,

 Word Assignments 6-8 Spreadsheets

peripheral devices)


PO 3. Demonstrate functional operation of technology devices (e.g., presentation devices,


digital cameras, scanners, document cameras, scientific probes) (See Technology


3T-E2, PO1)


1T-E3. When a system is not working properly, demonstrate an understanding of


hardware, software and connectivity problem solving processes


See: Science (1SC-E1)


PO 1. Use troubleshooting strategies to solve applications problems (e.g., file management

 Word Assignments 6-8

strategies, online help strategies, documentation, collaboration with others)


PO 2. Use troubleshooting strategies to solve basic hardware problems (e.g., use online help,


use documentation, collaboration with others)


PO 3. Use troubleshooting strategies to identify basic connectivity problems (e.g., use online


help, use documentation, collaboration with others)


PROFICIENCY (Grades 9-12)


Students know and are able to do all of the above and the following:


1T-P1. Use the appropriate technology device to complete a task


See: Mathematics (3M-P1 and P3, 4M-P2)


PO 1. Given a task, select the appropriate technology device(s) (e.g., reporting a news story

 The Car Project

using digital and video camera and online editing to publish on the Web; gathering


data using scientific probes and graphing calculators)


1T-P2. Make informed choices among technology systems, resources and services


See: Arts {Music} (1AM-P10) and Language Arts (VP-P)


PO 1. Create criteria to compare and contrast technology systems, resources and services

 The Car Project

(e.g., which Internet service provider, music system, Web browser or graphics


package meets criteria)




Students know and are able to do all of the above and the following:


1T-D1. Manage a complex technology system such as a local area network, video


distribution of a school, or lighting for a production


See: Arts {Theatre} (1AT-D4, D8-9)


IT-D2. Set up and manage a homework hotline, tutoring site, discussion group,


threaded discussion and/or e-mail system for students and parents