

The search term site: can be used to find specific types of sites, i.e., .com, .org, .edu, etc. However it cannot be used by itself; it must be used with another search term.

Example:  intext:"americanrevolution" site:edu     Notice, I did not type .edu, just edu.

Do this:

1. Create a new Word document. Name it: Last_First_site8B (last two letters/numbers change for you)

2. Use Google to do a search using     site:  - and  intext: also. You may search any subject you like that is appropriate for school.  This search was to get the hang of it. Step 3 will tell you what to do for the assignment.

3. Do three more searches. The intext part will stay the same. What will change is the site part. Do searches for:   .org  .edu  .com

Do searches for:   intitle:mitosis site:edu                     intitle:mitosis site:org                     intitle:mitosis site:com

Copy the following question and paste them into your Word document under the pictures. Answer all questions fully in your Word document.

A. When you compare the 3 Google search results in the pictures above, what do you notice about the number of returns? Explain fully.